Signaling Module - Simlog Mobile Crane Personal Simulator - Advanced Edition

Simlog Mobile Crane Personal Simulator's Signaling Module has trainees move a load to a target destination hidden from the view of the crane operator, and so a signal person is required.

The signal person must view the lift using the dedicated signal-person display and provide hand or voice signals to the crane operator to safely move the load into the target (the target changes color as the load gets closer).

Each trial ends when the load is sufficiently well placed (the target will turn green), the speed of the load is sufficiently small, and the crane operator activates the horn. Telescope extend/retract control is disabled for this module.

Advanced Edition features lift planning exercises that require a solid understanding of load charts and Signal Person training, i.e. learning to provide appropriate signals to the crane operator (to complete a lift), while at the same time teaching that crane operator to understand and follow those signals.

  • Mobile Crane Personal Simulator
    Item Number:
    Simlog’s Advanced Edition puts you at the controls of a modern rough-terrain mobile crane equipped with telescoping boom and jib, and a variety of hook-blocks with best-in-class simulation graphics and physics, slings that go “slack”, and a boom that deflects. And now there’s wind, with parameters to define the direction, strength, and gusting.