Green Energy in Buildings Trainer

  • LJ Create's Green Energy in Buildings Trainer (122-01)

The Green Energy in Buildings Trainer (122-01) is an innovative educational tool to immerse students in sustainable building technologies. It offers a comprehensive learning experience by allowing students to investigate various aspects of green energy production, including lighting technologies, insulation properties, glazing, air-conditioning systems, and more. Students can monitor energy consumption, temperatures, and light levels within the simulated building environment through real-time data displayed in the interface software, gaining practical insights into energy efficiency and sustainability.

This trainer is a theoretical tool and a hands-on solution that brings STEM learning to life. It includes various practical activities such as exploring energy use in buildings, experimenting with home wind turbines and solar electric systems, studying heating solutions, analyzing solar water heating, evaluating insulation and glazing performance, and learning about heat pump principles. With access to digital curriculum materials and tutor support resources, educators can facilitate engaging lessons that showcase the interconnectedness of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in creating a greener future.