CNC Machines 3 Learning System

  • Amatrol CNC Machines Training 96-CNC3D

Amatrol’s CNC Machines 3 Learning System (96-CNC3D) introduces learners to the CNC lathe and covers the operation and programming of this vital industrial machine. Learners will study the basic components and function of the lathe and then write programs to reduce the diameter of a shaft and create a part with a specific fillet. Lathes are one of the most widely used machines in industrial settings, found in every machine shop, so understanding their operation and function is vital for future members of the workforce.

CNC Machines 3 includes a Denford Microturn CNC Lathe, a tooling package, multimedia curriculum, an instructor’s guide, installation guide, and a student reference guide. Learners will use the curriculum to study CNC lathe topics like basic lathe G- and M-codes, absolute and incremental programming, circular interpolation, and program interpretation, and then practice applicable, industry-relevant skills with the Denford Microturn CNC lathe.