HVAC Controls Trainer - Amatrol T7300

In this video, Amatrol Regional Sales Manager Mike Idle provides an overview of Amatrol’s new HVAC Controls Learning System, including its operation and main features. The HVAC Controls training system combines a hands-on workstation with an interactive eLearning curriculum to teach the installation, operation, application, and troubleshooting of control systems related to the HVAC industry.

The hands-on workstation runs on single-phase power and features manual fault insertion and optional electronic fault insertion for advanced troubleshooting training. Users will gain practical experience with real industrial HVAC components, such as single-phase AC compressor and blower motors, an electronic temperature controller, a programmable digital thermostat, and a programmable defrost controller.

Safety is a top priority of the HVAC Controls training system. Users will learn the basics of lock-out/tag-out and gain hands-on experience with safety features like sheathed leads and guards over components.

  • Amatrol HVAC Controls Training Equipment
    Item Number:
    The HVAC Controls System, T7300, is a comprehensive training solution with features inspired by the 85-MT5 Electric Motor Control Training System. It offers a dual-sided layout with 12 panels (expandable) and incorporates built-in safety mechanisms and optional FaultPro computer-based fault insertion software.