Instructor Operating Station (IOS)

Monitor, assess, and engage trainees from a single workstation.
CM Labs Instructor Operating Station
Instructor Operating Station (IOS)
CM Labs Instructor Operating Station
Instructor Operating Station (IOS)

Control the training from your seat

With the Instructor Operating Station (IOS), you can initiate exercise sessions, monitor operations from your seat, and challenge trainees by exposing them to various tasks and job site conditions.

It is the only solution on the market that provides instructors with a real-time 3D view of learning progress from any vantage point on the virtual work site.

The IOS also allows you to control virtual characters within the training environment for an “on-the-ground” perspective or use the built-in signaler functionality to provide virtual hand signals to the operator.

Challenge trainees for maximum learning effectiveness

With the IOS, you can expose operators to the variable situations they will experience in real life.

Set time of day and weather conditions, including rain, fog, snow, wind speed, and direction. The instructor can inject machine faults at any time, including engine stalls, hydraulic failures, and line breaks.

Train as a team in the classroom

The IOS is designed to serve as the central hub for collaborative learning. From your workstation, you can:

  • Enable tandem lift exercises
  • Put another trainee at the helm of the IOS so they can provide peer-to-peer evaluation
  • Launch a Signalperson Training Station (purchased separately) that allows another trainee to work cooperatively with the operators

Evaluate trainees with smart assessment tools

The IOS offers a host of automated monitoring tools, including recording and reporting of machine and performance data, rolled up into a single score that updates in real time and is stored in the student database.

It’s the only simulator training solution that allows you to customize this scoring system by weighing each metric, providing thresholds, and deducting points for issues like collisions, human contact, or exceeding time limits.

At any point during the training session, you can use the IOS to add bookmarks and notes to the training session for later.

Manage information with the student database

Manage multiple students by grouping them in classes and generating reports by class. This centralized database provides easy access to individual student or classroom performance reports and makes data management simple and efficient.

Review completed exercises and performance metrics to establish your benchmarks or, if desired, according to the attributes the operator wants to target.

More Information


Instructor Operating Station (IOS)

Allow your instructors to control and assess operator training from their seats. CM Labs’ Instructor Operating Station provides a real-time 3D view of the virtual worksite from any vantage point. It allows instructors to do everything from launching exercises, manipulating the weather, customizing scores, and more.