3D Printing Supports Treatment for Dorsal Scoliosis

  • Stratasys P3 Case Study

Aakash Healthcare Uses Stratasys’ J5 MediJetTM to create 3D Printed Pre-Surgical Models and Jigs to Correct Scoliosis Deformity

Aakash Healthcare Super Specialty Hospital treats the most complex cases in the National Capital Region (NCR) of Delhi, Dwarka. The hospital, equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure and technology and compassionate, world-class clinicians and staff, is well known for its utmost care in Orthopedic and Joint replacement surgery.

To achieve the highest patient satisfaction and provide the best healthcare service to the local community and beyond, Aakash Healthcare has set up a modern 3D printing lab called Cure ⅽ 3D. This lab will help surgeons and clinicians create 3D models of complex clinical cases for patient education and surgical treatment planning and print patient-specific jigs and medical devices that will ensure safe and accurate surgical interventions.

In addition to creating high-quality models for patient education, resident teachings, and practicing complex surgeries in vitro outside the OT, the lab will go a long way to bring innovative solutions to complex and difficult clinical cases.

  • Multi-material, multicolor and biocompatible capabilities
    The Stratasys MediJet™ is setting a new standard for medical printing. With multiple materials and multicolor capabilities, you can create brilliantly vivid anatomical models and drilling and cutting guides* that are sterilizable and biocompatible - all on a certified system.