
We offer equipment and curriculum from Amatrol and FANUC . Amatrol’s industry leading equipment and curriculum is developed in partnership with industry to deliver job ready, industry relevant skills. Working closely with companies like Caterpillar, Tropicana and many others Amatrol has designed equipment for work place success. FANUC offers the most complete range of industry-leading products and services for robotics, CNC systems, and factory automation solutions.
Mechatronics Smart Facotry Robotics
  • Teach Industry 4.0 Skills Hands-On
    Amatrol’s Smart Factory Tabletop Mechatronics system provides a full mechatronics line in a small space and is a great way to introduce Industry 4.0 to students.
  • FANUC’s NEW Fenceless Cart
    The NEW FANUC LR Mate 200iD/4S Fenceless CERT Cart was developed from combining FANUC DCS Position and Speed Check software with an Allen Bradley SafeZone Mini Safety Laser Scanner. The result is FANUC’s NEW Fenceless Cart that will still fit through a standard door and runs off 110V power. The Fenceless cart allows a greater work envelope and introduces students to the latest in integrated safety products from FANUC and Allen Bradley.
  • APT Manufacturing AM-CERT
    Item Number:
    The AM-CERT cell was specifically designed for Advanced Manufacturing training. Learn robot to PLC interface, PLC ladder logic, operator interface, safety, mechatronics, and iRVision all in one cell. Certified for Material Handling, Level II and III Training.
  • Supply Chain Automation Training & Assessment
    Item Number:
    The Amatrol Skill Boss Logistics offers a performance-based assessment for evaluating the skills and competencies of future supply chain automation technicians.
  • Next-Generation Training
    The Smart Factory is a fully connected and flexible manufacturing system that connects its physical systems, operational information, and human assets to control manufacturing, maintenance, inventory, and supply chain operations.
  • Amatrol's Automation Training Systems
    Tech-Labs offers equipment and curriculum from Amatrol’s Advanced Manufacturing program. Amatrol’s industry-leading equipment and curriculum are developed in partnership with industry to deliver job-ready, industry-relevant skills. Working closely with companies like Caterpillar, Tropicana, and many others Amatrol has designed equipment for workplace success.
  • Advanced Manufacturing Training Cell
    Item Number:
    The CSM is an intelligent manufacturing system using the latest Industry 4.0 connected advanced manufacturing equipment and techniques to produce a promotional product you can be proud to have your name on.
  • FANUC CR-4iA Collaborative Robot
    The FANUC Fenceless Collaborative Cert Cart was developed by combining FANUC DCS Position and Speed Check software with an Allen Bradley SafeZone Mini Safety Laser Scanner. The result is FANUC’s NEW FENCELESS CERT Cart, which still fits through a standard door and runs off 110V power. The FENCELESS cart allows a greater work envelope and introduces students to the latest integrated safety products from FANUC and Allen Bradley.
  • FANUC Robot Integration Package (25098)
    The FANUC Robot Integration Package (25098) allows customers to use a FANUC industrial robot with Amatrol’s 870-series mechatronics stations. This package contains a module enclosure that includes PLC and FANUC interface cables along with a customized program to integrate a customer-supplied FANUC robot with the mechatronics system. Additional features include customized gripper tooling and a safety guard assembly to protect learners.
  • Connected Smart Manufacturing
    Item Number:
    Rockwell Automation (Allen Bradley) CompactLogix control panel electrical project kit
