7 Reasons to use VRTEX Welding Training Systems

Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Lincoln Electric Virtual Welding Systems

Why VRTEX® Welding Training Systems?

Lincoln Electric’s VRTEX® virtual reality arc welding trainers provide a powerful, cutting-edge solution for cultivating welding talent quickly and resourcefully. From superior graphics creating the most realistic and responsive welding puddles available to exceptionally accurate sounds and movements, what can be learned virtually with VRTEX® seamlessly transfers into real-world, hands-on welding training.

Instructors who integrate VTREX® virtual reality welding trainers into their program will reduce material and energy costs, increase certification rates, accelerate training schedules and add a powerful instructional tool to their classroom.

Reduce your training costs

Save on equipment, material, consumables and energy. Benefit from a cost-efficient compact device.

Reduce your training times

Achieve faster training success and boost engagement. Get more efficient results and increase student confidence with less training time on real welding machines.

Train safely

Increases safety with no metal, sparks, heat, gas or fumes. Less risks and accidents, remote learning capabilities via video streaming, optional hygienic training approach.

Increase your certification rate up to 42%*

Skill and train more welders, compared to traditional welding training on real machines.

Track your welding defects

Welding discontinuities appear when improper welding technique is used. The virtual bend test provides results instantly and reveals what causes a weld to pass or fail.

Train eco-friendly

Minimize your material waste and environmental footprint, save shielding gas, welding electrodes, weld coupons and weld fume removal. Less energy is consumed than with a traditional welding machine, wire feeder and a weld fume control system.

Flexible training solutions

VRTEX® Virtual Training solutions are available in a variety of models to meet the needs and budgets of our customers. We offer models that have a compact size, small footprint, and portable and tabletop setups, all with intelligent software features. Also, different welding training modes are available, such as Thermal Oxy-fuel Cutting as add-on feature.

When you are ready to experience welding training on a whole new level with VRTEX® virtual welding simulators, contact your local Tech-Labs representative at sales@tech-labs.com.

* All referenced data is supported by the Iowa State University welding research study.